I always wanted to have lots of things since I was a kid. I wanted sport balls, toys, games, iPods, a brother and so much more, but the most I wanted was my very own phone.
There was a time when I really wanted a phone but was not able to get it because it costs too much and because I am too young. Everyone in school and all my friends started getting a phone but I wasn’t able to. I was not too or desperate for getting a phone then until I started working. At first I would work with my brothers and if I needed to call someone or my manager I would have to go find him and then ask to call. That started to make me more desperate for a fun since I have to always use him for his phone and give everyone who asks me for my contact info his or my parents number, but I was still able to keep a hold of myself and not be pushy and demanding. So once I and my brothers were done our summer job, I got hired in Bluenotes at Milton by myself. So I had to use everyone’s phone to call in and ask when am I going to work, call from the customer services when I was done my work to get picked up, and wasn’t able to tell my bro that I am going to be working later shifts and he would come 1-2 hours earlier to pick me up. So that’s when I started becoming desperate for a phone.
Some of my friends and brothers recommended I get a phone since it’ll be easier for my work, transportation, contacting, and especially for emergencies because if something was wrong it would be good to let someone know. Although some people tried talking me out of it saying I am too young for a phone, it is going to cost too much money and that I am not too careful with my things.
The benefits of a phone is that I would be able to keep in touch with everyone I know, it would be more easier for me at work to not have to ask customer services to use their phone all the time, I could call my parents or police if there is an emergency and so I can always let my parents know where I am if they