The cell phone policy I would create will not be broad for its usage. I will also put the responsibility into the users hand and will monitor it monthly. I would begin by including members of management, human resources, technology support, general staff and legal department. Discuss the current cell phone environment to determine the need of cell phones. That will create a list of eligible employees for either smartphones for data usage and applications or just cell. Distinguish rules for personal and business usage. Define the rules regarding texting and ensure employees may not automatically assume that the rules apply to texting. Loss of cell phones, appropriate use of the camera on the phone, cell phone use while driving and conversing about company information in public. Define consequences for violations. Make exceptions for emergencies and start off with warnings. Disseminate the information to employees, post written policies, listen to feedback from employees to adjust the policy and enforcement.. Make it a requirement for passwords.
Once all the information is ironed out I will position each specific user group based on their role for eligibility. I will ensure all wireless and mobile devices are company owned. Write a policy against transferring their personal number to their company owned mobile device. This will help in keeping the company wireless environment protected and secure. Policy will also cover the health of the devices. Maintaining it for a year contract. A policy for storing inappropriate photographs/ images is prohibited. I will also include policies against texting and driving unless you use a hands free device…..but express the usage and a risk in such an event or situation is needed.
Business challenges will be selecting the correct service for all mobile devices, Proper care of devices and usage. Maintaining a comfort zone for the company usage for billing. The key will be consistent enforcement.
References: (, 2014) Business Affairs -- Cell Phone Policy. [online] Available at: Anonymous (Anonymous, 2014) [online] Available at: Anonymous (Anonymous, 2014) [online] Available at: