A. Whenever you use your cell phone, you are being tracked. Whether you are using an app or connecting to Wi-Fi, your phone company knows where you are and what you are doing.
B. It may be true that the laws involving cellphones and the user can be used for safety reasons. But some cell phones track the users’ location without their knowledge. Cell phones also store personal data that can be sold to third parties. Also police can search someone’s cell phone without a warrant. The laws involving phones infringe on the privacy of the user.
II. Concession:
It may be true that the laws involving cellphones and the user can be used for safety reasons.
A. As most people carry their cell phone with them at all times, the ability is in place to track the exact movements of all individuals. Cell phone GPS could prove useful in saving lives during emergencies (Lawyers).
B. Storing personal data may better the users’ experience. The phone can make better suggestions for search results.
C. Tracking phones can help recover a lost or stolen phone.
III. Paragraph #3:
Topic sentence: However, the invasion of privacy is an infringement on our rights.
A. Law enforcement authorities can listen in on conversations without the cell phone even being on. Even if a cell phone is completely turned off, law enforcement authorities can still listen in on the conversations that a suspect is having (Michael).
B. Police officers have the authority to search a cell phone without a warrant (Sengupta).
C. Cell phones are tracked by GPS and can reveal your location. GPS data can reveal whether a person “is a weekly church goer, a heavy drinker, a regular at the gym, an unfaithful husband, an outpatient receiving medical treatment, an associate of particular individuals or political groups — and not just one such fact about a person, but all such facts” ( Maass).