1. Abstract 2. Description 3. Introduction a. Brief introduction of project b. Block diagram c. Block required d. Hardware required e. Software required 4. Power supply a. Introduction b. Functions and Operation c. Design and explanation d. Power consumption table e. Circuit diagram 5. GSM module a. Functions b. About GSM mobile 6. Max 232 a. Functions b. Operation c. Futures d. Pin details e. Connection diagram 7. Micro controller a. Functions b. Operation c. Futures d. Pin details e. Connection diagram 8. Over all circuit design 9. Project specification 10. Conclusion? 11. Reference?
Abstract: To avoid cell phone theft, this indicator is used. While theft, this cell phone automatically sends SMS to our familiar cell phone number.
Description: By our careless or unfortunately some time our cell phone thefts. It makes big problem to many ways like we are loss several contract numbers and also we are loss our money. So avoid this situation we are designed and developed this cell phone theft identification project. By using our concept, we can easily identify the theft person. Now we are developed the demo level project by using GSM module and Microcontroller. We are not able to reprogram the cell phone for that we are used GSM module and Microcontroller. Whenever switched ON the cell phone, at the same time it will checks the SIM number with previous SIM number. If it is not matching means it will send SMS to particular cell phone (our believing person cell) and also after change the SIM the theft person can be call some cell phone. These cell numbers is also sent to our believing person cell.
3. Introduction
Brief explanation of project: In this fast moving world,