Name____________________ Date __10th March 2013__ I confirm that this is my own work Signature_________________________________ Include this page with your assignment. Assessment criteria: Successful candidates can demonstrate their learning by: | Comments: | - analysing language correctly for teaching purposes | | - correctly using terminology relating to form, meaning and phonology when analyzing language | | - accessing reference materials and referencing information they have learned about language to an appropriate source | | - using language that is clear, accuate and appropriate to the task | |
Pass: | Resubmission: | Pass on Resubmission: | Fail: |
Tutor’s signature:_______________________Date: __________
Tutor’s signature:_______________________Date: __________
1. LEVEL: Pre- Intermediate CONTEXT: Two friends are discussing their weekend. We’re meeting Jane for lunch at 1 on Sunday. (structure) a. Tick the statements of meaning / concept checking questions which apply to the part of the sentence underlined. It’s talking about the future. CCQ: Is it talking about past, present or future? Future * It’s talking about now. CCQ: Is it talking about past, present or future? Present
It’s an arrangement. CCQ: Is it an arrangement? Yes * It happens regularly. CCQ: Does it happen regularly? No
It involves someone else CCQ: Is someone else involved? Yes b. Tick the summary of phonological features that is true for sentence (1). Stress on the first syllable of ‘meeting’, contraction of ‘we are’ to ‘we’re’. * Stress on ‘we’ and the first and second syllables of ‘meeting’. * No stress. c. Tick the analysis of form which matches the structure in sentence (1). * subject + am / is / are + present continuous * subject + verb+ing