Assignment 3
Reasons for choosing text
Although a long piece of text, it contains an overall context of animal powers and is an interesting topic. Similar topics students have worked with include qualities of famous people and superheroes. It is an authentic text, containing a wide range of language items and so provides a challenge for intermediate students.
The text could also be broken down into sections for specific tasks.
Receptive language sub-skills that could be practised using this text include: reading for gist, scanning and reading for specific information. The text could also be adapted for teaching grammar and vocabulary.
Match headings to text - skim reading for gist exercise ref p13-p15
Using text with headings blanked out. After pre-teaching the necessary vocabulary such as: telepathy and premonition, the teacher explains: ‘Here are some headings and here is a text. Read the text quickly. Match the correct headings to the correct paragraphs.’ Concept check with: ‘Do you need to read every word?’ Give time limit of 2-3 mins.
Individuals read text then compare answers in their groups.
Telepathic contact
The common features of Animal Telepathy
Explaining the Unexplained
Heading for Home
During feedback nominate and ask students to justify their reasons.
Scanning task p13 and 14
Read the text quickly. Which person does each of these statements refer to? 1. They do not permit any other person to get close to her when she is in this condition.
2. I used to visit quite often, pop in and do all sorts of things
3. She never left my side, and during the night she slept next to my pillow
4. Jaytee started waiting at the window around the time she set off.
5. Horrified, I replaced the bottle top and, genuinely afraid of the dog, I went back into the room and sat on the sofa.
6. When we arrived home the man greeted us and said “I knew you were on