Teacher Training (UK) Ltd.
Pre-course grammar test
NAME: ___________________________________
DATE: ____________
I confirm that I have completed this test alone and unaided.
Signature: _______________________________________
A. Some of the following sentences contain typical mistakes made by native speakers of
English. Find the mistakes and correct them. If the sentence is correct, put in a tick.
0. We was walking on the pavement.
1. You should drive slow here.
2. She drunk her cup of coffee.
3. He finished his part before we arrived.
4. I talked to him yesterday.
5. Jane ate more ice cream than me.
6. The cat was cleaning it’s fur.
7. Who’s book is this?
8. I was sat in the corner reading a book.
9. I went shopping on saturday.
10. She ran out of the room.
11. If I’d known, I would of done it.
12. It’s not mine. It’s James’s.
13. Practise makes perfect; if you keep practising you’re bound to get better.
14. Student’s often make mistakes.
15. I done it.
16. He took over when John was ill.
17. Miss. Jones saw you yesterday.
18. He was to tired to work hard.
19. What colour was the airplane?
20. He robbed my pencil case.
We were walking......
B. Match the bold parts of the sentences in the left column with their grammatical labels in the right column.
0. He’s got a new car.
1. Where has he gone?
2. I’d think twice if I were you.
3. The cat was licking itself.
4. Are you talking to me?
5. Would you like to dance?
6. She crashed her father’s car.
7. They’ll be closing now.
8. It’s opposite the school.
9. It was the best thing to do.
10. Not enough fruit is being eaten.
a. superlative
b. preposition of location
c. adjective
d. infinitive
e. past participle
f. future continuous
g. reflexive pronoun
h. genitive
i. uncountable noun
j. second conditional
k. present continuous