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• Key message • Introduction • High Level Risk Prioritization • Hazard Inventory • Risk Assessment • Risk Control
Key message
Key message
Jobs can only be performed when it is safe to proceed
– A job is made up of several tasks – All tasks must be risk assessed and “unacceptable risks” must be controlled.
Introduction Why Risk Based Approach?
The BU Risk-Based Approach to H&S Management
Since 2006 the Group Roadmap has set the priorities for risk management through Standards and Advisories
Standards and Advisories are mandatory and address the greatest risks across the Group, i.e. the causes of Fatalities, LTIs, MI’s & FA’s
But each BU may have had their own priorities
5 years later the landscape of H&S in Lafarge has changed
Most BUs now have the maturity to enable further improvement through the management of their own risks – a ‘risk-based’ approach
A risk-based approach enables each BU to determine its own priorities to support and accelerate its H&S improvement plan
This is not a radical shift – an evolution and most BUs are mature enough today to take this approach
The Risk Management Standard aims to ‘align’ the approach for BUs to manage their H&S risks.
Group Standards & Advisories
Reporting & Investigation Risk Management WAH PPE CSM Energy Isolation Health Confined Space
Lototo Mobile Equipments Conveyors Stockpile & Surgepile Lifting & Rigging Workforce Accommodation Electrical Safe work Practices Health Advisories (Ergonomics, Noise, Hand held & Body Vibration, Respiratory Crystalline Silica (RCS) & Total Dust (TD) Logistics People Transport Demolition
The Process to Establish the BU Priorities
Standards/ Advisories Good Practices
Level 1:
Alerts KL, SERs Leading Indicators
Review of Main