He remembered the beating they had given him and how he had signed his name to a confession, a confession which he had not even read. He had been too tired when they had shouted at him, demanding that he sign his name; he had signed it to end his pain.(“TMWLU” p.28)
Footsteps sounded in the room and the man in a blue suit passed in front of him, then another, then still another. Policemen, he breathed. Yes, they were trying to make watchmen confess, just as they had once made him confess to a crime he had not done.|| Oh… Those were the same policeman who had beaten him, had made him sign that paper when he had been too tired and sick to care. Now they were doing the same thing to the watchman. His hear pounded as he saw one of the policemen shake a finger into the watchman’s face.(“TMWLU”