Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Dissertation in the Master of Business Administration Programme
(Full Time)
“Effect of quarterly earnings announcement on stock price”
Submitted By
Sunil Sancheti
Roll No: 111259
6th February, 2013
MBA FT 2011-13
Institute of Management
Nirma University
Faculty Guide
Prof. M. Mallikarjun
Letter of Approval
Institute of Management, Nirma University
MBA (Full-Time)–II (2011-13 Batch)
Dissertation Report Approval Form
Roll No. : 111259
Student’s Name : Sunil Sancheti
Faculty Guide : Prof. M. Mallikarjun
Topic : Effect of quarterly earnings announcement on stock price
Signature of Student
Approval of the Faculty Guide Undertaking
I, Sunil Sancheti hereby declare that the work carried out by me is an original piece of work and not an extension of some project submitted by me as a part of some course work during the MBA Programme. I also certify that no material has been copied without proper acknowledgement of the source as a part of the Reference.
Thank You.
Sunil Sancheti
Roll No. 111259
MBA Full Time,
Batch of 2013,
Institute of Management Nirma University,
The success of any project, apart from our own dedication and hard-work, largely depends on the encouragement and recommendations of many others. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project.
This project would not have taken shape without the inspiration, guidance and constant supervision of Prof. M. Malikarjun, who has lent his helping hand whenever I needed. He has been kind enough to provide me with all the information and infrastructure that was necessary for completing this research. I would like to express my special thanks to him for