11. Coping with uncertainty by formulating a future course of action to achieve specified results is:…
In “The Price of Certainty” By Daniele Anastasion, uses Ethos and Logos as his main rhetorical appeals, but also hints towards Pathos and Kairos. He also uses Ethos by introducing a well renowned psychologist by the name of Aire Kruglanski to explain what he calls “cognitive closure”. Which entails that when deciding on something people generally only focus in on what makes them happy, and makes them feel secure. The main idea of what this video is about is the idea that Certainty can be either good or bad, but the line between good and bad is not something that anybody can tell from. For example, when people believe that terrorist are bad, and they associate everybody who looks or comes from the same place or even believe in the same religion…
Australian Story’s documentary ‘Shadow of Doubt’ gives new insight into the controversial topic of murder while hinting at police corruption, tunnel vision and the real truth. This documentary follows Deb Drummond, the granddaughter of accused murder Reg Brown, in a somewhat biased way positioning the audience in a way to believe that Reg Brown is innocent. Reg Brown is accused of killing Bronia Armstrong at the Wallace Bishop Arcade in 1947. Bronia Armstrong's family did not participate in the documentary. The the lack of thorough police investigation shown and only one side of the documentary positions the audience to view this case with a heavy bias for Reg Brown's innocence.…
”(Barry) The opposite of uncertainty is certainty. Uncertainty can make anybody terrified, knowing that something is not guaranteed to go right can make people weak. Scientists have come to the conclusion that, “Uncertainty makes one tentative if not fearful, and tentative steps, even when in the right direction, may not…
The 2012 Summer Olympics had a major impact on the world’s views on society when Oscar Pistorious, South Africa’s “The Blade Runner”, ran the 400 meter run with two carbon-fiber legs. At home Pistorious was always treated like a person without a handicap, but when becoming public to the world, most individuals weredubious of his ability to compete against non-handicapped runners. Being certain of himself, Pistorious never let the negativity bring him down and he completed his race. When doubt comes from an outside source, it can lead to greater certainty for the individual being questioned who feels compelled to validate themselves.…
Though doubt and certainty are opposite, they both have pros and cons to them. When you look at the pros and cons of each of them they fall equally important in a person’s life. This, because with certainty, according to Phelps , is a way to accomplish anything that life will throw at you which will allow for success, but as Russell says you must still doubt in order to move more forward in your thoughts and opinions to get to success. With both certainty and doubt success is sure to follow.…
Yes, it’s true that when you are certain about things faith and arrogance takes over and leads us to become acknowledged or at the top. But why would someone great and successful ever experience doubt? In society we have to know what we want to accomplish and how we want to get it done. One can be doubtful on being able to attain the dreams, discoveries, and challenges that come towards our life. But in the positive, a lot of the times you doubt your self so you can have the ability to push yourself to do bigger and better things. For example, you can surely take a test in class and think it’s easy and be certain that you did really well on it. But, there is always that doubt that you didn’t do well because you didn’t study or weren’t well prepared for this test.…
“In the pursuit of wrongdoing, one must step away from god.” (Shanley) These are the words that sum up the very being of our story. John Patrick Shanley wrote Doubt: A Parable (2004) and “Doubt” (2008), though the tone is vastly different throughout the stories. Comparing the play and the movie will show how much can be added within the visual realm of the silver screen as opposed to the mental world of written word or limited location of the stage. In 2002, the Boston Globe erupted with tales of priestly molestation, dominated by accusations of altar boy rapes and gay priests run amuck. (Culingford) One of Shanley’s cousins accused a clergyman of sexual abuse,…
By juxtaposing the antithetical concepts of “certainty” and “uncertainty,” and by emphasizing the exceptional burdens of the latter, Barry compels his readers to acknowledge the courage that is required of any successful scientists and, indeed, to appreciate the unnatural skills that a scientist must possess in order to “overcome significant obstacles.” He effectively argues that uncertainty, though a weakness, is a cross that all scientists must bear and that, in order to become a successful scientist at all, one must first recognize that weakness and then persevere in spite of it. To the casual observer, venturing into the unknown might seem the more courageous feat of the scientists, but, as the allusion to Bernard’s quote reveals, the most courageous feat, and what science endeavors to teach most of all, is “to doubt” – that is, to be uncertain and to work with the discomfort of that uncertainty.…
III. If an omnibenevolent creator prevents deception, we wouldn’t have been created in a way prone to being deceived.…
who remain unsure will feel insecure and confused about themselves and the future of their…
Osman, M. (2010). Psychological Bulletin. Controlling Uncertainty: A Review of Human Behavior in Complex Dynamic Environments, 136(1), 65-86.…
Wilkins, L. and Chandler, A. (1964) Confidence and Competence in Decision-Making [online]. Available at: http://bjc.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/pdf_extract/5/1/22 [Accessed 18 January 2010].…
Merchants of Doubt, is a documentary directed by Robert Kenner, that is inspired by the book of the same name by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway . It The documentary uses a professional magician comparing the illusions done by the magicians to the public relations tactics used by industries. The documentary discusses about how industries have been using a myriad of public relations tactics to protect from government regulations in order to ensure their bottom line. The examples used were from the tobacco industry as well as the manufacturer of flame retardant. It shows how these public relations tactics were developed and are in fact still in use today in such contemporary issues like global climate change. I believe the documentary is a welcome wakeup call in this time of confusion.…
Looking around today’s society, it’s clear that we as a country and as a generation are painfully uncertain. In our careers, we question whether we are chasing our true calling and whether we should have travelled another path. In relationships, we run into the paradox of craving a maintained closeness with those we know with a desire to meet others. We question our abilities, our skills. We complain about our problems and feel entitled to solutions, but in our own indecisiveness we fail to effect any true change for ourselves and for those around us.…