Certified nurse aids have various specific intrinsic factors. Unlike the examples in the book, …show more content…
The most obvious value is the salary, personally I have only worked in fast food at minimum wage before getting certified and I value the substantial pay raise. Also, at the long term care facility (LTC facility) where I am employed there are rewards for achievement and a job well done. Also, employees at this LTC facility work in excellent conditions; there is a beautifully furnished break room, flexible management, appreciation parties for care providers. While these factors are not crucial for job performance, there is a greater sense of self worth and overall motivation to be a good …show more content…
It is always best to try to stay in a positive mood at work, because a negative mood can increase aggressive tendencies. The affective events theory is quite true and identifiable as a CNA. For example, perhaps I flunked a test right before a shift, I go into work and pretend everything is okay, but it takes one elder to compliment me on my work, or even my hair to lift my spirits. As a result of this positive event at work, I would now have a positive emotional experience. It is likely that my job performance will be influenced the rest of the shift. Also, the cohesiveness and teamwork of fellow employees will affect job performance and satisfaction. For instance, if for the third day in a row the first shift employees do not get their scheduled baths done, the second shift employees will be under constant stress to pick up the slack. This stress will fester and cause negative emotion overload.
It is easy to be satisfied with your job as a CNA, but with the drop of a hat or a negative event positive attitudes can be shifted. There are many rewarding intrinsic factors for job satisfaction like helping others and making a difference in peoples lives. In the same way there are wonderful extrinsic factors of job satisfaction such as nice salary and other perks and rewards. Also, negative and positive events can affect your outlook and emotions towards your job and how you value