English III
Certified Nursing Assistant:
With the healthcare industry growing every year and with the long term projections expected to continue growing steadily, you can’t go wrong choosing a career as a certified nursing assistant. The demand for nursing is skyrocketed over the past decade. Most importantly for younger people that are into helping elderly people. CNA are responsible for all things that deal with elderly persons giving them food to eat, making sure there environment is safe and clean, monitoring there health and transporting them to places. I personally look up to CNAs because there something like a police officer or firemen they help more than a little and some people don’t understand what they do. So in my report I will explain how and what a CNA does all the hard work they do in how they should feel so proud of themselves.
To start off a CNA is not technically a nurse but doesn’t mean they can’t become a nurse some become RNs (Registered Nurses) or LPNs (Licensed Practical Nurse) a CNA works sometimes at hospitals but mostly at clinics. Your regular responsibilities as a nursing assistant will vary based on where you work or live. Nursing assistants can work in a wide variety of settings; nursing homes, hospitals, adult day care centers, personal homes and assisted living facilities all require nursing assistants to act as a helpful liaison between the RN or LPN and the patient. In many cases, the nursing assistant serves as the RN’s or LPN’s eyes and ears, and relays information between many patients and one or two RN’s.
The nursing assistant fulfills basic quality-of-life needs for patients of any age, ethnicity or gender in residential nursing care facilities or outpatient clinics. Since nursing assistants have daily contact with patients, they are gatherers of vital information about the patients’ conditions, which they must then transmit to their supervisors. A CNA’s workload can become intense