However, with the SECURE®-C, no bone graft is needed in addition to the artificial device. The SECURE®-C allows for pain relief and also allows continued motion—including backward, forward, side-to-side and turning-- of the cervical spine. In addition, there is a reduced possibility of adjacent segment disease. The surgery only involves a small incision, usually at the front of the neck, which will likely leave a faint, subtle scar. Cervical discectomy with the placement of an artificial disc is now preferred to fusion due to quicker healing times and return to activity, early post-operative neck motion and overall increased movement and spine
However, with the SECURE®-C, no bone graft is needed in addition to the artificial device. The SECURE®-C allows for pain relief and also allows continued motion—including backward, forward, side-to-side and turning-- of the cervical spine. In addition, there is a reduced possibility of adjacent segment disease. The surgery only involves a small incision, usually at the front of the neck, which will likely leave a faint, subtle scar. Cervical discectomy with the placement of an artificial disc is now preferred to fusion due to quicker healing times and return to activity, early post-operative neck motion and overall increased movement and spine