Jennifer Daniel
Science/162 Principle of Health and Wellness
April 14, 2013
Christopher Sites
Cervical Cancer Disease of Women
We live in a world where we have many diseases that women have to battle. The third most deadly one that women can face is cervical cancer. In 2012, more than 12,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer. Most will be younger than 55. (NCI-The national Cancer Institution-website) This is so hard to detect and almost never caught early. It has risk factors like every other disease. There is ways for us to help prevent cervical cancer.
Most women that are the ages of 25 and older do not realize the risks that they are at. This is how it starts and there are hardly any signs that you have this cancer. It starts in the cervix, and spreads very rapidly. You start showing signs of having this type when you have sex and bleed after intercourse, between periods, and after menopause. You may have foul oder. Although these signs can lead to something else, you must get it checked out immediately. However, there are two types that you may have. The first is squamous, which is the most common. The second is columnar, this one starts slowly. You can detect it early by regular check-ups. It starts slowly and this is called dysplasia. This is a pre-cancer before it becomes malignant and starts to spread rapidly throughout your body, without the proper treatment. Most female cancer in the cervix or uterine is called by sexually transmitted disease left unattended. The most common is HPV (human papilloma virus).
There are many risk factors that can cause cervical cancer. The most common risk factors are always smoking, drinking, and poor eating habits. Some women put themselves at risk of not having children, or in some cases may have more than enough children. This is concern because of the ovaries not reproducing, or being on birth control. Another risk factor is sexually
References: 1. (Encyclopedia, November 17, 2012) 2. (National cancer site.)