Cervical Cancer
Jonathan MacNayr
Cape Cod Community College
Cervical Cancer
I chose to do my research paper on Cervical Cancer. I did this because this is the disease that took the life of my fiancés mother. It has been to my understanding that this would mean she is at a higher risk for this disease. I have put together five questions that I would like to research on the topic to give myself a further understanding of the potential dangers of Cervical Cancer. These questions are: What is Cervical Cancer? What causes Cervical Cancer? How do we Diagnose Cervical Cancer? What are the stages of Cervical Cancer? How do we treat Cervical Cancer? I believe if I answer these questions I will have at least some piece of mind.
What is cervical cancer?
The cervix of the uterus is the ninth most common site of cancers affecting women. As compared with all the cancers of the reproductive organs of women, it rates third, after uterine cancer and ovarian cancer. (Medical and Health Encyclopedia, 2000, pp. 435-436)
The cervix is the lower part of the uterus .The body of the uterus is where a baby grows. The cervix connects the body of the uterus to the vagina. The part of the cervix closest to the body of the uterus is called the endocervix. The part next to the vagina is the exocervix. The 2 main types of cells covering the cervix are squamous cells and glandular cells. The place where these 2 cell types meet is called the transformation zone.
Most cervical cancers start in the transformation zone. Also most cervical cancers begin in the cells lining the cervix. These cells do not suddenly change into cancer. Instead, the normal cells of the cervix first gradually develop pre-cancerous changes that turn into cancer. Doctors use several terms to describe these pre-cancerous changes, including cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL), and dysplasia. Cervical cancers and cervical pre-cancers are classified
References: Cervical Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment. (2009, July 20). Retrieved August 2, 2010, from Center for Disease Control and Prevention Web site: http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/cervical/basic_info/diagnosis_treatment.htm Cervical Cancer Treatment. (n.d.). Retrieved August 2, 2010, from The National Cancer Institute Web site: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/treatment/cervical/healthprofessional Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer. (2005). Thomson Gale. Retrieved from http://www.answers.com/topic/cervical-cancer Medical and Health Encyclopedia (Deluxe ed.). (2000). (pp. 435-436). Chicago, IL: Furguson Publishing Company. Pruthi, S., M.D. (2009, January 17). How Does HPV Cause Cervical Cancer? Retrieved August 1, 2010, from Mayo Clinic Web site: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/cervical-cancer/AN00386 Society Web site: http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/CervicalCancer/DetailedGuide/cervical-cancer-what-is-cervical-cancer