Cesar Chavez was born March 31, 1927 in a small town near Yuma, Arizona. Cesar was born in a very poor family. During his childhood, Cesar did not only see the injustices of life, but he also saw how most farm workers were mistreated and overworked. Also Cesar saw how many people lost their jobs and homes, and basically had to walk around the country in order to find a new job. When Cesar was 10, his parents were forced to become migrant workers because of the Great Depression.
Cesar Chavez was a strategic leader because he was non violent, and he was very dedicated to the success of his movement. Cesar believed in non violence since he was young because his grandmother often spoke to him about the importance of religion and how to trust God. Cesar read about Gandhi, and was influenced by this man to set a good example, so he gained the knowledge of non violence. As a union organizer Chavez developed his plans based on his beliefs.
Cesar Chavez viewed his civil rights issues as not just another movement, but a movement to change the conditions of human life. He followed the teachings of Gandhi, who helped India obtain their independence from England through nonviolent actions. When landowners threatened Chavez, he called a boycott on grapes throughout the whole country which was a great success because even though this he obtained support from various organizations and people. His and nonviolent strategies caught the attention of the people and proved to be a success.
A major reason that led to the success of his civil rights movement was the fact that he had perseverant hope and was very confident that whatever he planned was going to work for the better of the people. He lived by the motto “Si Se Puede” (Spanish for “Yes we can” or “It can be done”) and believed that his actions and his plans were going to work efficiently. Chavez was so inspired that he believed he