The merge of individual and societal learning through the development of the Curriculum for
Excellence is a very complex and well discussed subject. This is due to the various views people have on this merge which has to benefit both the global economy and the children involved in the Curriculum for Excellence. In order for me to explain this question I must first explain the needs of Scotland in the global economy that the Curriculum for Excellecnce is aiming to meet.
The education system of a country plays a big part in meeting the needs of the global economy.
( Waks 2006) Thus it is vital that a curriculum first considers what the needs of the global economy are. Due to globalization companies are now expanding to global levels. To enhance competitiveness many companies are now re-arranging their work force so that workers can use their skill and knowledge as a group to respond to global opportunities for their company.
(Waks 2006) Telecommunications companies have also had a major change in response to globalization. They are now creating new opportunities for home based enterprise. (Waks 2006) Both of these major changes will only be made possible if the education system keeps up and adapts with them. There are forever changing patterns of work and new technologies that must also be taken into consideration as possible needs to be met by the curriculum. (Gilles 2008) If children have experiences from a young age in these areas of work and gain the values needed in todays global economy then they could
References: Brehony, K. J. (2005) Primary schooling under New Labour: the irresolvable contradiction of excellence and enjoyment Gillies, D. (2008) The politics of Scottish Education. In: T.G.K. Bryce and W.M. Humes Scottish Education Third Edition: Beyond Devolution Reid, L. (2008) The primary curriculum beyond 5-14: The evolution of Curriculum for Excellence The Scottish Government (2008) Curriculum for Excellence: Building the Curriculum 3 (A framework for learning and teaching) Waks, L.J. (2006) How globalization can cause fundamental curriculum change: an American perspective