the development of the rural factory system. the strictly agricultural economy that preceded the Industrial Revolution. the employment of laborers who worked at home but in a capitalist system dependent on urban merchants. improvements in machinery and labor relations. the development of systems of transportation and communication necessary for full industrialization.
Which of the following was a cause of the American Revolution?
the British loss of territory during the French and Indian War the failure of the American colonies to develop a parliamentary experience restriction on free movement into frontier areas the abolition of slavery in the American South state's rights
Which of the following was a cause of the French Revolution?
the continued influence of the Protestant clergy at the French court the middle class demand for greater political representation Enlightenment endorsement of absolute monarchy the autocratic rule of napoleon Bonaparte French territorial additions during the French and Indian Wars
Which of the following was not a liberal gain confirmed by Napolean Bonaparte?
centralized system of secondary schools and universities religious freedom legal equality for men new law codes universal manhood suffrage
The radical phase of the French Revolution led to all of the following except
execution of the king. extension of the revolution to warfare in the Low Countries, Italy, and Germany. a full-scale attack on private property. introduction of the metric system of weights and measures. abolishment of slavery in France's colonies, later reversed.
In what year did the final phase of the French revolution begin?
1799 1787 1812 1804 1815