Good evening, Rotarians, ladies and gentlemen. I will be the chairperson for this evening’s discussion. Tonight, my team will argue that “This House Believes Jacqueline Wilson’s Work Should Be Considered the Modern Equivalent of Charles Dickens’”. Firstly, I would like to take a moment to introduce my team. The Proposer of the Vote of Thanks this evening is Lauren Llewellyn and our main speaker is Zoe.
Zoe is an enthusiastic ballet dancer and has reached Grade 5 after completing her exams. Regular exercise is an important thing for Zoe, as she adores P.E. and plays netball. She also enjoys acting and is a member of the Carmarthen Stage Coach. Zoe is very musical; she plays the violin, guitar and is a part of the school choir. So Rotarians, ladies and gentlemen we hope you will be singing Zoe’s praises at the end of her speech Zoe has a personal liking for this topic as she is an avid reader of Jacqueline Wilson’s work, as well as appreciating more classic literature. She began the series at age seven, although the books were aimed at an older age group. As she grew she continued to read, Zoe says Jacqueline Wilson taught her how to enjoy reading. Of Wilson’s work the book ‘Cookie’ is her favourite. The character Zoe sees herself most like is Garnet from the book ‘Double Act’ as she shares the same thirst for literature. Rotarians, ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce our main speaker, Zoe Holland.
Thank you, Zoe. Your speech was illuminating and both interested and informed me. While we all consider the points Zoe has made in her speech, I know I need to, I would like to invite the questioner to address Zoe respectively.
Thank you Mr Questioner; for the well-thought-out question, and once again, thank you Zoe for your full and comprehensive answer.
Rotarians, ladies and gentlemen as I have said our Proposer of the Vote of Thanks is Lauren. Lauren is also very musical; she plays the piano and enjoys