INTRODUCTION: The modern world is a global village and communities of the world are getting closer to each other. Through language different people and communities share their ideas and concepts. As Lyytinen (1985) pointed out, “man uses language to express feelings and attitude and to establish, coordinate, and control relationship with others”.
After the 1950s there has been great advancement in communication as a result of which world has become global village. This gave birth to need of common language which was English. These days English is called language of economic system, international tourism, electronic information and higher education. As (Mueen,1992) argued that “English meet the test of practical value. It is the language of the world in all fields of arts, hard science, humanities and social science”. Due to its importance as international language, English has got a privileged as second compulsory language in Pakistan. English is taught as compulsory subject at deferent levels mostly from class I to B.A/B.Sc.
The University Grant Commission of Pakistan (1982) in a “Report on the Teaching of Language” deemed the English as the language of knowledge, technology and international communication as an important second language. Furthermore the report adds regarding the future of English in Pakistan that it would be employed in the near future as the language of technology and for international communication and soon English is going to hold the position of global lingua franca and ignoring language would be detrimental for any country specially for a country like Pakistan which is already having advantages in the form of past knowledge of English (UGC 1982:14). This statement reveals the significance of English for a third