Description and Information In the first place, the novel Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman follows the life of a paranoid schizophrenic teenager as he struggles through the obstacles of his mental illnesses. Through writing a book about a boys struggle through mental illness, Neal Shusterman is exposing the reader to what mental …show more content…
In Challenger Deep’s case, Neal Shusterman is an extremely effective writer, for he uses mental imagery, he uses a fluent writing style, and he gives off a powerful message through his writing. For example, he uses mental imagery through metaphor on page 308, which mentions, “maybe one day I’ll dive so deep that the Abyssal Serpent will catch me, and I’ll never find my way back.” The line on page 308 uses a descriptive mental imagery, for the Abyssal Serpent is a representation of Caden’s intense mental illnesses. Consequently, the reader gets an intricate view of what mental illnesses feel like, which makes Neal Shusterman a magnificent writer who is very effective. Additionally, even though Neal Shusterman does not use many technical transitional words, he manages to have writing style that flows