Grace Robinson
Challenges and Opportunities
Today’s society and its leaders are currently being plagued by economical and structural issues. As a result, many organizations, institutions and high powered leaders are being forced to make a well needed change in their foundational principles in order to address the issues on hand. Many of these individuals and organizations have arrived at the realization that leadership does not lie solely on one’s ability to “shout out” a set of directives but rather to be an effective leader, a culmination of ethic and moral values should be demonstrated to one’s colleagues which will evoke certain behavioral responses. The display of these values on an everyday basis plays an important role in the construction and maintenance of an effective organization (GCU, 2012).
Within our health care industry, there is uncertainty when referencing the subject of financial stability on account of the worldwide economic status which prevails. Many leaders must deal with the balancing of budgets which are constantly being reduced in order to keep up with the economy. Budget restraints do not only affect individual and private businesses but has evolved into a worldwide issue reaching higher offices such as the House of Representatives and Congress. An article found in USA Today illustrated the challenges posed to members of the House of Representatives and its subsequent consequences to include the “reduction of services to constituents” (USATODAY, 2012).
Any restriction placed upon a facility’s financial spending poses the threat of not only service cuts but jobs cuts as well in order to remain within the proposed budget constraints. These concerns have risen to the top of many organization’s agenda to be fully addressed as the matter has caused many workers to become very disgruntled about their job position uncertainty and therefore has reduced the quality of many services being offered to
References: Bass, B.M. (2006). Transformational Leadership. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., Inc. Bloomberg Businessweek (2012). The Issue: Maintaining Employee Engagement. Retrieved on April 13th, 2012 from: Grand Canyon University (2012). Leadership: A Matter of Values, Beliefs, and Behaviors. Retrieved on April 9th, 2012 from: Grand Canyon University (2012). Servant Leadership: Defining the Focus of Leadership. Retrieved on April 9th, 2012 from: Spears, L.C. and Lawrence, M. (2004). Practicing Servant Leadership: Succeeding through trust, bravery, and forgiveness (2012). Office Budget Cuts Pose Challenges for Some House Members. Retrieved on April 14th, 2012 from: