“Teacher education may assume a leadership role in the transformation of education or be left behind in a swirl of rapid technological change.” UNISCO-2002
Entering into the 21st century does not mean a simple shift of calendar year. Presently we are in the KNOWLEDGE-ERA supported by high and low technology. Teacher-Education being an integral part of the whole education system is considered to be the hub of the entire education because it is believed that as is the B.Ed., so will be the secondary and higher secondary education. The Teacher- Education programme differs from other educational programmes in the sense that it trains the student teachers for a profession. .A teacher reshapes the life of thousands of youth during his tenure. Any lacunae in the preparation of these individuals would cost the country very dearly over a very long period of time
Social, economical and technological changes of the past decades have made education and training more crucial resource than ever. Yet teacher- education aims at providing opportunities to their students with necessary knowledge, skills and value system for evolving market places, common living environment and to prepare good citizens for lifelong learning. With increasing use of technology and multimedia technology, the fate of today is shaped not in the classroom but more outside the classroom and the definition of the teacher has changed considerably. Advancing technology and changing scenario has both PULL and PUSH impacts on trends in flexible education. The sorry state of affairs is that our education sector has not been immune to the impact of advancement in information and communication technology.
Teachers in our government schools are playing multifarious roles besides classroom teaching .On one hand we pressurize introduction of ICT in the schools but simultaneously on the other hand teachers have been technically trained on ritual methods