Globalization is no longer an abstraction but a stark reality that virtually all firms, large and a small, face. Firms that want to survive in the 21st century must confront this all encompassing force that pervades every aspect of business. In a wide range of industries from automobiles to food and clothing, firms face the pressures of global competition at home as well as in international markets. Choosing not to participate in global markets is no longer an option. All firms, regardless of their size, have to craft strategies in the broader context of world markets to anticipate, respond and adapt to the changing configuration of these markets. Firms initially entering international markets will be more concerned with learning about international markets, selecting an appropriate arena to compete, and determining how to leverage core competencies in international markets. Once in international markets, firms have to build their position in these markets, establishing a strong local presence by developing new products and adapting to local tastes and preferences. As the firm expands internationally, it will need to move away from country-centred strategies and improve integration and coordination across national markets, leveraging its competencies and skills to develop a leadership position.
Keywords: Global marketing, Product strategy, Pricing strategy, product positioning, Advertising, Sales and Distribution
Transnational corporations serve different markets around the world. Their global expansion may be driven by various factors. These include saturated and intensely competitive domestic markets, diversification of risk on a geographical basis, opportunity to realize economies of scale and scope, entry of competitors into overseas markets, the need to follow customers
References: 1. Keegan, W.J. 1989, "Global Marketing Management", 4th ed., Prentice Hall International Edition. 2. Terpstra, V.(1987) "International Marketing", 4th ed. Dryden Press 3. Bradley F. (1991) "International Marketing Strategy", Prentice Hall 4. Paliwoda S. (1993) "International Marketing Strategy "2 Edition Heinemann 5. Philip C, Lowe R. and Doole I. (1994) "International Marketing Strategy; Analysis", Butterworth Heinemann. 6. Terptsra V. and Sarathy R. "International Marketing", 6th Edition, Dryden Press, 1994 7. "International Marketing Review" MCB Publications, UK.