Challenges Faced by International Students
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
Methodology....................................................................................................................... 4
Finding and Analysing Data: ................................................................................................5
1- Language Problems......................................................................................................5
2- Financial Difficulties....................................................................................................8
3- The weather in the United Kingdom..........................................................................10
4- Teaching Style .......................................................................................................... 12 Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................................................14
Appendices....................................................................................................................... 15
This report has been written to lay out the difficulties, those international students face in their desire to pursue further education in the United Kingdom. The challenges that are outlined in this report are by no means limited to the areas chosen.
The justification for writing this report lays in the fact that firstly there is a need to sustain and increase the number of students that actually come into the United Kingdom for their studies, as this makes an income for the government (Michele Schweisfurth, 2009). The second is that the quality of education being offered is the United Kingdom is being improved by the diversity of international students.
The International students, who are studying at University College
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