1.1 Background of the Study
With the emergence of information and communication technologies (ICTs), and electronic Government (e-Government), it is possible to improve efficiency and effectiveness of internal administration within government and to re-locate government service from government offices to locations closer to the citizens (Davies, 2002). Examples of such locations are cyber cafe, telecenters, a personal computer at home and offices, while the benefits of ICT in government cannot be disputed. There are several concerns about its success as well as the strategies to be adopted in implementation of systems in various countries (Davies, 2002).
Utilizing information and communication technology and creation of electronic governments to optimal administration and achieving sustainable development received serious attention in many countries (John, 2010). Land administration is one of main section required for electronic government, although development of electronic land administration systems which have efficient to achieve electronic government face many problems (McAuslan, 2000).
Current land administration systems in different departments and organizations have been developed separately, with no relation to other similar systems. These systems don 't have required flexibility to response to new interests in land and increasing requirement of various users, their traditional ways of development are unable to perform complex transactions. Furthermore, maintenance of current systems is difficult and expensive (Kalantari, 2008).
This project therefore presents the findings of a literature review, knowledge acquired from reviewed case studies in Nigeria and a preliminary study grounded on Niger state ministry of lands and housing. The research also considers the characteristic challenges that the ministry face, which will make computer application implementation in land administration fail to succeed. A descriptive
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