The nation celebrated this 'Pakistan Day' in a significant and unconventional manner. It was a noteworthy occasion in history of Pakistan this time for the challenges facing in maintaining good governance are yet to appear in coming days for government in place. The leaders of Pakistan adopt the course and principles which had been conveyed by the founder of Pakistan to make a true enlightened moderated state which ensures basic rights of people, secures the prosperity of Pakistan. Their deeds and actions would determine in future either their policies are in accordance with the sayings of Quaid-e-azam or deviation from his golden principles.
The elements including failure of Civil and military rule, change in global politics, hesitation towards delivering change are the major reasons in augmenting problems. Such basic facts are underscoring the credibility of political stability and result in weakening economic structure. Uprising poverty, continuous descending literacy rate and torture in society are playing proactive role in undermining the writ of the government.
"The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first objective"
Growth of political middle class, progress in private sector, civil society expansion and contribution of media in the betterment of mass wisdom have paved off the way in polishing modern way of governance. But the national politics seem to be lacking in objective oriented tactics and political leaders are living in the past. Instead of political agitation of past, the issues which direct in establishing prosperous future should be addressed.
Political crisis in Pakistan is long awaiting pure leadership which is ready to take profitable initiatives. Steps in achieving the genuine targets cannot be possible without planning and neglecting these issues
It is important to take into account the