The gorilla brought out thoughts and questions in the narrator, Although many of us questioned some of Daniel Quinn’s smaller points, we all can agreed on one of his major points, that there is no right way to live. The people of Africa are living in a way that is just as good and works just as good as ours, and maybe even a lot better, as they are able of living without destroying everything in their paths. These leaver cultures are not lesser to ours, but we consider them to be uncivilized. In fact, Ishmael says that it is taker civilization itself, the better structure that locks up food and spreads through the idea that people must live the same way, that is actually inferior. Why, because we have more food than we need to, which has caused our population somewhere on this planet to increase. Now we have to grow more crops, which means we take out a forest or plow a random field to grow it, but that only means we make it to where more people survive and reproduce. This made it to where we are in the same position as before, and causes all of the worlds diversity to be smaller. As any farmer knows, anything that eats or competes with the crop needs to be controlled or eliminated. As any cowboy or farm owner knows, anything that challenges the herd or flock must be controlled or …show more content…
Well yes there is. It has nothing to do with giving up our lifestyles or going back to hunting and gathering. Instead, it deals with leaving, with walking away from the bigger structure of civilization. We need to stop repeating the process of ages past, who moved stones that built pyramids and temples, just so they could provide food for their families. We must stop making the pyramids of today and start making living, and stop destruction, in groups. These people, which Ishmael calls tribesman after the common form of human organization, would live to provide for its people through a group business. A way to show this is the traditional circus, with everyone providing to help out. groups of people could run small newspaper businesses, restaurants, nearly anything. Saying that these ideas have not had an impact on our group would be like saying that the weather does not affect how we chooses our clothes for the