Affect long term care differently than other health care delivery modes.
Long term care serves a variety of cliental. It has moved away, in recent years, from the
Nursing home stigma. Most long term care facilities, now care for much more acutely ill
Patients than in the not so distant past. Long term care facilities, often called skilled nursing
Facilities, are now geared towards rehab as well as patients that require long term care. Most
Long term care facilities employ a medical director, often times a gerontologist, an administrator, an
Administrative staff that includes a laundry list of nurses. Most have a Director of nursing, a staff
Development nurse, a …show more content…
It takes a diverse group of professionals
To effectively run a long term care facility. It is a heavily regulated industry. Expected outcomes
Can vary greatly. Depending on the plan of care for each resident. Some residents are admitted
For short term and need rehab to get better and return home or to a lower level of care such
As assisted living facilities or group homes. The other end of that spectrum is a resident that is
Admitted with hospice services where the expected outcome is that the person is kept comfortable
And safe until they expire. Some residents are admitted for long term care where the expected
Outcome is that the resident will be kept safe and comfortable as their natural life progresses and
They need skilled nursing care that they can no longer receive at home.
Long Term Care Issues
There are several issues that affect the delivery of care in long term care. From a legal or
Regulatory standpoint, Long term care facilities are heavily regulated and are “surveyed” by