In middle school you get more homework and it is tougher so it is important to manage your time. Whether it is after school or at home, you need to designate time aside to do homework. Although it seems so simple you may be resilient to the idea when it interferes with your social life. If you have folders, keep your work very tidy and organized in those folders so you can find the things you have to turn in quickly. Also, another benefit of having folders or binders is that if a teacher ever marks an assignment as late or puts in the wrong grade you have proof of the assignment’s date and the grade …show more content…
Studying is a big part of your educational success. You need to start studying two or three days before the test or quiz so that it stays in your mind. You may be thinking it takes too much time or I don’t really need to study. I used to think that too, until I took a history test and as you guessed I didn’t do good at all. In middle school tests and quizzes are usually worth a large allocated portion of your grade. If you are like me, I didn’t like homework and sometimes I just didn’t care to do it but, as I found out homework may not be a large portion of your grade, it essentially it helps you study for the tests and