For Bangladesh, the readymade garment export industry has been the proverbial goose that lays the golden eggs for over fifteen years now. The sector now dominates the modern economy in export earnings, secondary impact and employment generated. The events in 1998 serve to highlight the vulnerability of this industry to both internal and external shocks on the demand and supply side. Given the dominance of the sector in the overall modern economy of Bangladesh, this vulnerability should be a matter of some concern to the policymakers in Bangladesh. Although in gross terms the sector’s contributions to the country’s export earnings is around 74 percent, in net terms the share would be much less partially because the backward linkages in textile have been slow to develop. The dependence on a single sector, no matter how resilient or sturdy that sector is, is a matter of policy concern. We believe the policymakers in Bangladesh should work to reduce this dependence by moving quickly to develop the other export industries using the lessons learned from the success of apparel exports. Support for the apparel sector should not be reduced. In fact, another way to reduce the vulnerability is to diversify the product and the market mix. It is heartening to observe that the knit products are rapidly gaining share in overall garment exports as these products are sold in quota-free markets and reflect the strength of Bangladeshi producers in the fully competitive global apparel markets…
The once searing clothing industry of South Asia is having a downfall in its exports departments due to the great economic depression hitting the world. Most of the clothes made in the Asian countries are exported to the Western world and this business seems to be declining because of low demands of clothing from those Western Countries. Many people working in the clothing industry in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan have lost their jobs because of the closing up of many textile mills as well. The bigger companies who can be counted as the clothing industry giants can still be qualified for their chances to survival but there are the small businesses which have really faced immense downfall.…
The global textile industry is getting through a struggling time for the global economy due to crisis. This situation increases the price volatility of raw materials and energy resources. We can also add-up to this trend, the rising labor cost that contributes to amplify the negative effects on the industry. This uncertainty in the marketplace leads to lack of projection for years to come.…
8. DESIGNINGBenettonTheir designers are not only design for all the company’s brands but also are engaged in researching new materials and clothing conceptsSince 2000 the company has moved to standardize its range globally 20% of its ranges were customized to the specific needs of each country and now only 5-10 percents of garments are customizedThis reduced the number of individual designs offered globally by over 30 percent, strengthening the global brand image and reducing production costs.…
We have investigated the cloth quality and fashionable design in our factory in Singapore. We will use cotton, which can be adjustable with Myanmar weather, in our clothing. Furthermore, we build the factory and some warehouses in china and the products are separated into many categories _ tops, pants, jackets and coats and others. First, we focused on ladies apparel and accessories such as shoes, bags, belts, scarves and hats. Then, we decided to expand into men wears. We are now starting to introduce our products to market in Myanmar. New trends are always available at our organization for the people who are really into fashion.…
Employee downsizing is a nightmare feared by most of the employees working in the corporate world. A downsizing strategy reduces the scale (size) and scope of a business to improve its financial performance…
* In order to analyze causes and effect, we must look for connections between events.…
The Nokia Lumia is a series of smartphones from Nokia first introduced in November 2011, all of which use the Windows Phone operating system. The Lumia name is derived from the partitive plural form of the word Lumi which means snow in the Finnish language. The key unique selling point is its slogan “exploring the world” which clearly differentiate the product from its competitors.…
Centre for Research and Policy Making (CRPM). World Trends in Clothing Manufacturing, Occasional paper No.9, 2005. (Accessed online on 19th June 2013),…
* A speaker creates a message and sends it via channel to the listener, who interprets it and sends feedback via a channel to the speaker. Interference is whatever impedes accurate communication. The situation refers to the time and place in which communication takes place.…
References: 2. Azim, M. Tahlil, and Nasir Uddin, 2003, “Challenges for Garments Sector in Bangladesh After 2004: Avenues for Survival and Growth” Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies Journal, Vol. 24, No. 1, Page 49-82.…
|Table of Contents | |Literature Review |3 | |Introduction |4 | |Origin of the report |4 | |Objective |5 | |1.3 Scope |5 | |1.4 Methodology |5 | |2.0 An overview of Bangladesh Garments Industry |6 | |3.0 Role of HRM |9 | |3.1 Contribution HRM to organization |9 | |3.2 For garments industry HR can do |10 | |4.0 SWOT analysis of Bangladesh Garment Industry |11 | |5.0 Practice of HRM in garments industry of Bangladesh |25 | |5.1 Planning and Resourcing Division |26 | |5.2 HR Practices of garments industry Bangladesh |27 | |6.0 Recommendation |33 | |7.0 Conclusion…
The inception of ready-made garment (RMG) industry in Bangladesh goes back to the late 1970s and soon became a key player in the economy of Bangladesh. Ever since its rise, the industry has contributed to export earnings, foreign exchange earnings, employment creation, poverty alleviation and the empowerment of women in Bangladesh. The two main reasons behind the success of the industry can be attributed to the export-quota system and the availability of cheap labor in the country. Although the growth of the RMG sector has remained steady over the years, it is not without any challenges. In our paper we delve into the factors that have made RMG such a powerful economic sector in our country and the challenges faced by the industry and try to provide recommendations to overcome those hurdles from an economic perspective.…
Further, textile industry in India is a highly versatile sector, with smaller firms providing flexibility needed for smaller orders, the larger firms have the capacity to service the world’s biggest buyers. The Government of India has also undertaken several favourable policy intiatives, which has resulted in the growth of the sector as well.…
the main factors that could help in achieving the required results. This study elaborates the…