Harald Dolles &
Sten Söderman
Globalization of Sports The Case of Professional Football and its
International Management Challenges
Working Paper 05/1
Contact authors:
Dr. Harald Dolles
Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
E-mail: dolles@dijtokyo.org
Prof. Dr. Sten Söderman
School of Business, Stockholm University
E-mail: sod@fek.su.se
Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
German Institute for Japanese Studies
Kudan Minami 3-3-6
Tōkyō 102-0074
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Erscheinungsort: Tōkyō
Harald Dolles & Sten Söderman
Globalization of Sports
- The Case of Professional Football and its
International Management Challenges *)
1. Introduction ............................................................................................. 5
2. The evolution of the international dimension of football ....................... 7
3. The management challenges of football and its international dimensions.....................................................................9
3.1 The football package - what is the product, where are the markets? ................................................................................... 10
3.2 Who "buys" football – how to define the consumers?................... 13
3.3 Football - how to create the outcome?........................................... 16
3.4 Football - vision and the strategic intent........................................ 17
4. Necessary and sufficient elements for sustainable development of football at an international level.............................................................. 18
5. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 24
References ................................................................................................... 25
*) Version: June 2005. This is
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