Ford motor co.
The ford motor company is one of the world largest car companies. Founded in 1903 by Mr Henry Ford founded in Detroit, the United States. Now the ford motor company is the world's super multinational company, headquater loate on dearborn, Michigan state in the United States. Ford logo is to use English Ford Ford, blue with white letters. As founder Henry Ford, like little animals, so the logo designer painted a small white rabbit like ford English pattern.
In April 2001, the world's leading car companies, ford motor company and Chinese one hundred enterprise - changan automobile group to set up a jointly signed the changan ford motor co., LTD. (changan ford), founded in early 2003 and formally put into production. In March 2006, Mazda automobile company enter into changan ford company officially changed its name to "changan ford Mazda automobile co., LTD." (changan ford Mazda automobile), the three parties stake is: 50% changan, ford 35%, and 15% Mazda. In September 2007, changan ford Mazda automobile company's second vehicle production base - nanjing changan ford Mazda automobile company held a grand celebration for completing and puting into production . Established for more than 7 years, changan ford Mazda automobile company development rapidly, has grown into a cross-regional and