
Change Management

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Change Management
Change Management
Module Assignment


Introduction Page 3

Transactional and Transformational Managers Page 4

Kurt Lewin 's Contribution to Change Management Page 8

Conclusion Page 14

Bibliography Page 15


Considering whether transactional and transformational managers need to work side by side for an organization to be successful is an interesting prognosis. This will be discussed in detail within this report. It will highlight the differences between the two management styles and relate them to the author`s department, the Medium Section Mill at Scunthorpe. Through the analysis, it will seek to find justification to the statement, and whether or not there is room for both management styles.
The report will also critically analyse Kurt Lewin`s main contribution to change management. There is currently a major capital project ongoing at the Medium Section Mill and so all employees are being affected by change in one way or another. Lewin`s whole change process will be looked at, including Force Field Analysis and the three stages of implementing a successful change, Unfreezing, Changing and Refreezing.

Transactional and Transformational Managers

Like most other companies, Corus has many transactional and transformational managers. Whether this is a good mixture for running a successful organisation is open to opinion and interpretation. In many ways, transformational leadership is not necessarily a complete alternative to the transactional style of management.
‘Transformational leadership is not a substitute for transactional leadership; rather, it can be a complement. Previous research has found that transformational leadership augments the effects of transactional leadership (Avolio, B, J, et al 1988) `
A clear understanding is required of the differences between the two types of management.
Transactional Style, Authoritarian.

‘Managers have a position of

Bibliography: Drucker, P, F, (1999), Management Challenges for the 21st Century, Butterworth Heinemann. Evans, D, (1992), Supervisory Management Principles and Practice, 3rd Edn, Cassell Educational Ltd. Heller, R, (2000), Peter Drucker, The Great Pioneer of Management Theory and Practice, Dorling Kindersley. Hill, T, (2000), Operations Management, Strategic Content and Managerial Analysis, Macmillan Press Ltd. (, accessed 11th March 2006) Kurt Lewin: The Forces Are With You, (, accessed 12th March 2006) Lewin`s Freeze Phases, (, accessed 19th March 2006) Peters, T, (2003), Re-Imagine, Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age, Dorling Kindersley. Scase, R., Goffee, R., (1993), Reluctant Managers, Their Work and Lifestyles, 2nd Edn, Routledge. Thomson, R, (2002), Managing People, Butterworth Heinemann. Williams, K., Johnson, B., (2004), Introducing Management, A Development Guide, 2nd Edn, Elsenier Butterworth Heinemann.

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