A General Introduction to OD
• Give, integrate, and practically apply a comprehensive and systematic knowledge base of key terms, principles and theories in change management and organisational development;
• Mastery of the application of research methods, techniques and technologies appropriate to change management and organisational development as well as to undertake research and write up a research report under supervision;
• Identify, gather, organize, critically analyse, evaluate, interpret, and deal with data on complex and/or real world problems and issues in the work context, drawing systematically and creatively on the theory, research methods and literature of change management and organisational development;
Module Outcomes
• Use advanced information retrieval skills such as identification, critical analyses, synthesis and independent evaluation of quantitative and/or qualitative data as well as to undertake a study of the literature and current research in the field of change management and organisational development
• The capacity to operate effectively individually as well as a group member using change management and organisational development knowledge and theories against the background of code of conduct of the discipline in a complex, ill defined context
• Use Breakthrough Thinking and Polarity Management to solve problems and manage polarities (dilemmas) and provide an overview of future OD issues and polarities globally, but specifically in South Africa
Learning objectives
After completion of this study section the student should be able to:
– Define Organisational Development (OD) – Recognize the need for change – Highlight the relevance of OD – Discuss the goals of OD programmes
– Distinguish between OD, change management, and organisational change
– Distinguish between reactive and proactive approach to change – Distinguish between organisation reform and organisation