Supporting Change within Organisation
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Prepare up to 3 questions each to test the knowledge of the presenter.
Give feedback to each other on your response, in your group discussion and then provide individual written responses, in your own words, to each of the following questions.
What are the different behavioural responses employees may demonstrate when their organisation are experiencing change.
Compare and contrast these different behavioural responses
Explain the role of HR/L&D in your organisation or one that you are familiar in supporting individuals during organisation change?
3 questions (Questions were asked to Chris)
1. How did the change effect your organisation? (internal and external factors)
2. What was the impact of change on you and how do you cope up with it?
3. How long did it take employees to accept the change?
The most common response to impending change is a negative response where, initially at least, the target population sees the change as a bad or threatening thing. The goal is to leave employees in favour of the change and highly motivated to make it work.
Different Behavioural Responses. Change, whether planned or imposed, can have a significant impact on an organisation. changing public policies covering labour markets, productivity and employment law extended the HR functions. Different HR strategies and work practices arose as the result of changes in the political economy. most work organisations, albeit not precisely at the same time or the same degree, have faced the effect of free global trade, deregulation of the markets, privatization and simultaneously, the need to improve productivity, quality and cost efficiencies. The implication of globalization, international and national neoliberalism economic policies, new technologies and social changes are readily apparent.
What are the behavioural responses employees may