1. Aims and objectives of the course
This course views change management as a process that involves, recognizing the need for change, diagnosing what needs to be changes, planning for change and taking action. This process is not rational and linear, with a known endpoint, and it cannot be managed according to a simple recipedriven template. Change is a complex and unpredictable process that involves managing competing demands, often with limited resources and uncertain levels of commitment from those who can affect outcomes.
This unit aims to deepen students’ understanding of the concepts and processes which underpin strategic change in organisations in order to evaluate the problems facing organisations in attempting to achieve strategic change for their work as a change leader. The goal of the course is to train future change leaders/ agents to successfully implement a change initiative. The course offers the guiding principles of change management best practices that will allow students to fully comprehend the issues associated with change.
The main aims and objectives of this course are:
Introduce ideas useful in the analysis of organizational processes and change
Encourage critical thought about organizations and the events that occur within them
Identify the need to develop a change approach which is context-specific to organisations
Develop an appreciation of how theories can be translated into practical applications.
Identify and critically assess the best practices of change management and change implementation Stimulate critical consideration of organizations as social and political communities
Build the managerial and personal skills required by successful change agents o Develop students’ investigative and diagnostic skills in assessing organisations o Extend students’ abilities to comprehend and analyse internally planned and externally imposed organisational changes o Improve students’ abilities to