Change Management
A study of the possible change of Catering Provision at a Primary School
Section 1 3
Description of the School Context 3 Reasons for the Change 3 Internal Factors that Support the Change 4 External Factors that Support the Change 4 Understanding the Pressures For and Against Change 5 Analysis of Key Changes Necessary 7 Conclusion 8 Appendices 9
Section 2 17
Strategy Related to the Change of Catering Provision 18 Analysis of Culture 18 Present and Future Scenarios 18 Forces at work and how they will affect my approach 19 Conclusion 19
Section 1
Description of the School Context
There are many challenging issues facing the School this academic year. Some will prove complex in nature and no doubt difficult to implement, however if we are to continue to provide a high quality service and excellent value for money, while maintaining our current educational status, these changes must be executed smoothly and effectively.
The School has recently experienced an upward spiral in both increased pupil numbers and improved exam results, which together with good process management has culminated in an excellent OFSTED inspection in January of this year. As can be expected from such results all staff associated with pupil education are motivated and feel part of a successful team which in turn exudes a feeling of confidence and stability within the local community. The exception to this is the catering department operated by external contractors (within the Local Authority) who provide meals for our pupils and staff. This arrangement results in school having little or no control of the service or food provided.
This study coincides with the process of Job Evaluation presently being implemented by LA, hence it is an opportune time to review and if necessary revise the control and management of the catering department thus aligning it
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