ITT Technical Institute MG4650
Data Collections in Outcome Systems
In a growing popularity of outcome measurements has required child and family service agencies that establish a new method in managing data collection and using its data that implements a produces and outcome management system, this system had not been standardized yet in the resulting of fraught with problems and inefficiencies. This article talks about and describe core component and processes it explains how to measure, who should be involved in the development and measurement process and how to imply data collections technologies that can be used or adopted.
Project Team-Presley Ridge Inc.
Team Players and their roles are the following all of the ones involve in the development of outcomes that helps them simplify the requirements of its duties. The roles on this team is to ensure the roles and responsibilities of those measuring and consuming and to keep resource need identified and allocated. Maintenance activities were planned in order to keep the system operational and up to date.
Team’s success and failures, the success of this team was the gathering of Service-driven systems and the result of work requirements or the natural workflow process. The failure process for this team was not coordination with one another to make sure all public school were represented in the beginning of the process.
There was a lot of challenges that Team Presley ridge had to face during the process they had to recognize concepts such as the Plan-Do-Check-Act problem solving process, value-added, customer focus, goals and objectives, brainstorming, stages of team development, conflict management, decision-making strategies, and visual analyses. The team project was a success because Both Total Quality Management (TQM) and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) methods are designed to manage the quality of services. I do not