|Year |DBQ |CCOT |Comparative |
|2003 |Using the documents, analyze the main features, including causes and |Describe and analyze the cultural, economic, and political|Compare and contrast the roles of women in TWO of the following |
| |consequences, of the system of indentured servitude that developed as|impact of Islam on ONE of the following regions between |regions during the period from 1750 to 1914. |
| |part of global economic changes in the nineteenth and into the |1000 CE and 1750 CE. Be sure to discuss continuities as | |
| |twentieth centuries. What additional kind of document(s) would help |well as changes. |East Asia |
| |assess the historical significance of indentured servitude in this | |Latin America |
| |period? |West Africa |Sub-Saharan Africa |
| | |South Asia |Western Europe |
| | |Europe |