According to Robbins and Judge (2011), Managers get things done through other people. As simplistic as that may sound, this singular function encompasses various functions that require an individual to utilize multiple skills and act in numerous roles. Henri Fayol breaks the managerial function down into 4 major categories; planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. As a manager steps into each of these functions, he/she must take on one of the 2 role categories that are defined by Henry Mintzberg. The interpersonal role which encompasses functions such as being the symbolic face of the organization, maintaining ties with people outside of the organization to gather information and forming a vision for the organization that motivates the employees. The informational role which includes activities wherein the individual monitors information, digests it and disseminates it within and without the organization. And finally the decisional role wherein the individual makes decision regarding the resource allocation, long-term planning organization and dispute resolution. In this paper I will examine 2 distinct organizations, one…
Financial management has a long and distinguished history. Consider, for example, that Socrates wrote about the universal function of management in human endeavors in 400 B.C. and that Plato developed the concept of specialization for efficiency in 350 B.C. Evidence of sophisticated financial management exists for much earlier times: the Chinese produced a planning and control system in 1100 B.C., a minimum-wage system was developed by Hammurabi in 1800 B.C., and the Egyptians and Sumerians developed planning and record-keeping systems in 4000 B.C.1 Many managers in early history discovered and rediscovered managerial principles while attempting to reach their goals. Because the idea of management thought as a discipline had not yet evolved, they formulated principles of management because certain goals had to be accomplished. As management thought became codified over time, however, the building of techniques for management became more organized. Management as a discipline for educational purposes began in the United States in 1881. In that year, Joseph Wharton created the Wharton School, offering college courses in business management at the University of Pennsylvania. It was the only such school until 1898, when the Universities of Chicago and California established their business schools. Thirteen years later, in 1911, 30 such schools were in operation in the United States.2 Over the long span of history, managers have all sought how to make organizations work more effectively. Financial management is a vital part of organizational…
The Case Study is provided by the Harvard Business School and is considered necessary reading prior to the understanding the responses contained herein. This paper is submitted as required for the CLC assignment of Module 8 of the Organizational Change & Development Class (AMP 492) offered on-line during the Summer 2011 Semester..…
For companies to continue to be successful “everyone in a company…needs to know about IT” and the fact that IT “is the backbone of most, if not all, organizational…
The survival of an organization must have the ability to change with the environment. New generations and advanced technology continue to challenge organizations. To completely gain an understanding on the effectiveness of an organization, it is important to identify the three key metrics and provide an example for each. Next, a company will be selected for ineffectiveness and a description of practices that have contributed to the organizations ineffectiveness. The last metric is recognized for the beneficial purpose toward the effectiveness on the organization.…
Firm Infrastructure: Good senior management has transformed the firm, but it remains small compared to global competitors…
I found it really interesting that there were not very many changes to the substance. I really thought that almost all of them would change or have some kind of with the addition of HCl. I was really surprised that most of the substances remained unchanged. The ones that did change happen instantly when another condition was added to the test tube. The HCl was the chemical that changed the substances the most is the main observation that I saw.…
This document is authorized for use only by Hongyi Liu at George Washington University - School of Business.…
The fact of the matter is that the rapid growth of Information Technology and hence the use of information system has contributed significantly to organizational management, improvement in organizational performance and organizational development in general. The rapid advancement in IT has led to creation of INTERNET and the rise of the DIGITAL FIRM.…
After few investment lessons and cases in the organization, according to President and Founder of Leadership for International Finance Blythe McGarvie, people start to think why and how to make investment decisions, instead of simply giving number that others want to hear (Video: Financial management: Creating financial acumen within your company, 2004-2007). By establishing solid financial acumen in a company, it makes everyone, no matter the employee is in HR department or marketing department, understands how the company makes money, and why, why-not, when, or what-if behind a financial decision-making process. “Even those with years of experience, cannot perform to their maximum without applying financial analysis to decision making” (2006, p. 34), Hynes states.…
Although this was a Human Resource Management book the topics related to organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training all tie in to innovation and management process. With strategic management and innovation being a vital component to a company’s success, the topics that were discussed in the book provided great contents and steps on strategic management and innovation. The topics were useful and interesting with dealing with complex process of merging two companies together to create an international company that is powerful; the way that it suggested to accomplish this was expansion of a business. Uniting two diverse companies with distinct business processes, strategies, and cultures is a definite challenge of mergers, Involving companies from a different culture is even more challenging. People, financial, and operational processes need to be reviewed by executives in order for a new set of rules, procedures, and practices to be developed for the new company. This reference was good because it provided more than one way to accomplish globalization.…
Adapted from “Wall Street Journal Guide to Management” by Alan Murray, published by Harper Business…
The research (Management Information System by Kenneth C Laudon and Jane P. Laudon, 12th Edition) has shown that information technology does not by itself guarantee good returns because company’s social, managerial, and organizational assets play important role on helping the company to optimize returns from information technology investments. The followings are some of main aspects that company’s social, managerial, and organizational assets help the company to optimize returns from information technology investments:…
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM) ISSN: 2278-487X Volume 3, Issue 5 (Sep,-Oct. 2012), PP 17-27…
By virtue of my three-year work experience, I have been exposed to several management challenges and opportunities. Perhaps most importantly, the challenges have reinforced my interest to seek modern management solutions. I am intrigued by the manner in which the various facets of management affect each other including finance, operations, human resources, marketing, strategy and information technology.…