A. Changes with the school cafeteria menu, damaged lockers, dirty classrooms, exercise, etc. B. School is a way of students learning and how the school is functioning plays a huge role in student’s success. Nonetheless, not everyone thinks school is perfect and some things could be changed. These changes will improve our school and make a better learning, environment for the students and improve students overall academic grades.
Let’s start by talking about the lockers. We do have students who have complained on several occasions about needing new lockers, not only because it is difficult to carry their books around when they go from class to class, when our students have to carry all their books with them it starts causing our students to develop health issues because they are straining and putting a lot of weight on their shoulder and back muscles. Some of our students have mentioned that a majority of our school lockers are damaged which makes it hard on them to stop between classes to exchange books or get other supplies for their next class. I believe that if we could make room in each classroom then the students could leave that classroom book along with other supplies for that particular room in each room keeping them from having to carry around all their books, not to mention this would also cut down the students needing to always have a hall pass to go to the locker just to get out of doing school work, hall passes would only be issued when needed to go to the restroom or to the office.
The second concern I would like to talk about is the cleaning that we need more of in our classroom and around our schools. A lot of our students will get sick and have to miss a few days or longer because of the dirty environment from broken down chairs and desk, to classrooms not having enough ventilation, with these conditions and among others it could make it hard and uncomfortable for our