Changes of Lifestyle for Young People
There have been massive changes in lifestyle of young people a century ago and the life of teenagers today. Most of the changes are remarkable and dramatic. Nowadays, there are fresh forms of media like the internet and television. Family makeup and emphasis on values today are nothing in comparison to what they were a hundred years ago (Weil, 1997). The young people’s objectives and viewpoints are also dissimilar amid of the two periods. All these modifications have made people believe that life today for a young person is far harder than it was a hundred years ago. Evidently, there exists several distinctions between life lived by young people in older days and that lived by teenagers today.
Young people a hundred years ago lived a sanctuary life in comparison to those of the current times. Today’s teenagers do not just hear of violent activities within their communities, but are also aware of what is taking place in their nations and the world at large (Shephard, 2011). This has been made possible through embracement of technology and media. Television and the internet have enabled several young adults have their lives affected in ways no one even knew probable. The world today has been compressed to one small village by satellites and technological advancements that make communication of people in different continents easy.
In older days, people communicated by use of signs such as blowing of horns, lighting of smoke, using messengers to convey messages from one region to another. The use of letters and posters was extremely high. Nowadays, communication is through social media like Twitter, Facebook, email addresses, cell phones and Skype just to mention but a few. Televisions have enabled news and entertainment to be easy and interesting. It was extremely hard to locate someone with a television a hundred years ago. Only a few
References: Weil, A. (1997). Eight weeks to optimum health: A proven program for taking full advantage of your body 's natural healing power. New York: A.A. Knopf. Shephard, R. (2011). Lifestyle and the Respiratory Health of Children. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 5, 1, 7-32. Hoikkala, T., & Suurpää, L. (2005). Finnish youth cultural research and its relevance to youth policy. Young, 13, 3, 285-312.