This article is relevant because many of the jobs in FCS professions take place in academic culture. The status of women and minorities in the workplace is examined, and well as the specific issues that they face based on their demographic. This lines up well with the ways in which the American family is changing as well.
Angier, N. (2013, Nov 25) The Changing American Family. The New York Times.
This article states the basic ways in which the American family has been changing in recent years. Researchers …show more content…
are scrambling to keep up with the data as it quickly changes. The number of mothers in the workplace has rapidly increased since the 1950’s. Not all of the implications of this have been revealed, but so far many positive outcomes can be identified.
Bianchi, S. M., & Milkie, M. A. (2010, June 01). Work and Family Research in the First Decade of the 21st Century. Journal of Marriage and the Family, (3), 705, Retrieved from
This article investigates how both the work place and families are becoming more diverse.
The standard for the American family is not the same as it used to be as single- parent homes and mixed race couples become more prominent. This change in the American family has caused gender roles in the home to be challenged, as well as long hours in the work place. The work-family conflict is analyzed to uncover the positives and negatives of the changing American family.
(2015). 1984: A Revolution in the Workplace. World Book Year Books. World Book Publishing. Retrieved from
This article focuses on the beginning of the trend of more women entering the workforce. It does not romanticize the idea of women becoming more independent, but looks at the negative implications of it. Women entering the workforce at increasing rates has challenged the framework of jobs in America, and a lot of challenges are to be faced for both men and women because of it. From the 1960’s, to the 1980’s, and to modern times, women are still experiencing some of the same problems with negative effects on the family and the push for comparable …show more content…
Jarratt, J., & Mahaffie, J. B. (2002, December 01). Key trends affecting the dietetic profession and the American Dietetics Association. American Dietetic Association (Journal of the American Dietetic Association), (12), S1821, Retrieved from
The American Dietetic Association outlines key trends in society that affecting their profession.
This article is a little dated, but it makes many points that are still very relevant today. Diversity, technology, social forces, and political forces are affecting the dietetics profession. This article outlines how the changing family and changing society are causing a FCS profession to change as well.
McGregor, Sue L T (2015, July 01). The Future of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) and Home Economics: An International and Intergenerational Vignette. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, (3), 9, Retrieved from
The Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences explores the relevancy of the FCS professions in the future. Currently the profession is struggling with its identity as newer generations begin to move up in education and the workforce. A shift in how women view FCS is causing some people to want to change the FCS BOK in order to match the changing interests of younger generations.
Mulvaney, M. A. (2014, December 01). Leave Programs/Time Off and Work-Stress Family Employee Benefits Programs, Organizational Commitment, and Self-Efficacy.... Public Personnel Management, (4), 459, Retrieved from
This article highlights a study that examines family-friendly employee benefits programs and organizational commitment and employee motivation among employees. Through online surveys the researchers were able to link FFEBP’s with differences in employee efficiency and commitment.
Stall-Meadows, C. (2010). Weaving sustainability into family and consumer sciences education. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, 28 (1), 13-22. Available at
The environment has a lot to do with the changing American family, as well as changes in the way FCS is taught and carried out in the workplace. Sustainability is important in all of these instances, and for this reason it is being integrated into the education of FCS students.