Underlining The Process Of Transformation And Changing In Role Of Human Resource Professional
Phuong Duy Hoang (Louis)
Charles Stuart University
Underlining the process of transformation and changing in role of human resource professional Human Resource manager play a wide variety of roles in organizations. Depending on the scale and size of the organization or what industry they are in, HR jobs may changing in each situation. It is recommended that in today business world, HR manager plays the role of not only strategic partner, employee champion but also change agent as well as administrative expert. Based on the four criteria mentioned above, the following paper will discuss HR manager roles together with number of examples to clearly explain the theoretical view.
The role of the HR professional staff is changing to inline the needs of fast and continuous changing organizations. It is said that “The basics of recruiting, hiring, paying, developing, motivating, utilizing and even terminating people are the fundamental requirement for any organization” (Anderson, 1997). In the old day, the basic functions of HR manager were to focus on administrative tasks such as keeping track of employee days off or holiday taken; hiring and paying staffs, administering benefits and so on. HR staffs has responsibility for the daily employee problems and their complaints, employee paperwork including employee’s profile, work achieving records or record of salary or benefit payment. Additionally, creating an organizational infrastructure was one of a traditional HR role.
But, in the dynamic working environment, in dealing and managing of people, more new tasks are needed to be performed by HR manager although the primary role is to support management. Dave Ulrich, one of the famous writers in HR field recommended four additional roles for the HR manager. Those are administrative professional, employee champion, strategic
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