As I said, the traffic problem nowadays in Hanoi is extremely complicated. High population density of city centre areas is a trouble itself and the public passenger conveyance is still hard to approach. Public transportation has developed but hasn’t satisfied the passenger’s demand. The main means of communication is motorbike and in rush hours, the streets are all packed and traffic jams happen everyday. People’s consciousness of traffic regulations and policies excution is unacceptable bad. That’s the reason why Hanoi should have a new form of fast and considerable massive convey.
BRT is a public passengers tranport system which is capable of boarding passengers, effectively, especially suitable for developing countries which are having economic problems like Vietnam. BRT can meet a demand of 180 getting-on passengers in probably 15-20 seconds. There are two kinds of BRT buses: the ones running on main routes are 2-carriage buses; the carriages are linked with each other by flexible joints, and the ones on auxiliary routes are small ones collecting passengers to key stations. BRT will have its own lanes which are 3.5 metres in breadth and includes bus priority at traffic signals, ” interval- based” operationand level boarding on new low-floor buses, all of which operate in compressed natural gas. Busses arrive as often as 3-10 minutes during peak hours. Rapid buses will board passengers at stations spaced approximately 450-500 m apart. Each bus is equipped with a transportation system which can turn red signals green up to 10 seconds earlier and extend green signals up to 10 seconds longer to allow a Rapid bus to continue through many intersections without stopping.Thus it’s clearly BRT is the only appropriate solution to the disastrous fact of Hanoi traffic.
BRT enables communities to address transportation needs quickly while leaving resources forother important priorities, like schools and parks. All objectives BRT is about are: use proven, low life cycle cost technology; use an incremental approach; encourage innovation on best value principles of transport in Vietnam. Also does the new ticket automatic selling system make it easier for passengers to buy, and when you change the routes you dont’ have to pay more fee.
But as we all know, even when we have the most modern ways of transport, it’s the awareness of Hanoi citizens that creates a new face of our city.