A Thesis
Presented to
Bachelor of Science and Nursing
University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA
In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science and Nursing
Brillo, Ma. Laidi
Belandres, Jeordaine S.
Cervantes, Justinne Renz
It is known that we are living in technological era. The computers become irreplaceable tool in everyday life of almost each person. The adult users generally use it for business purposes while youngsters for computer games. Computers became the part of our life and very important component in the spheres of the life is leisure. It plays a vital role in all fields of the life. And nowadays majority of young people spend their leisure time playing computer games, surfing through the internet. When we add the internet to this small machine it becomes a big world that could attract many people to enter it and live in it. Moreover, they would become friendlier with it and spend most of their time dealing with it until they fell in a big problem which is called an computer addiction. Computer addiction is a disorder in which the individual turns to the Internet or plays computer games in an attempt to change moods, overcome anxiety, deal with depression, reduce isolation or loneliness, or distract themselves from overwhelming problems.
Computer games have become one of the favourite time-spending of young people in all ages, and even some adults and the students. With permanent development of computer technology the quality of people using computer either for working purposes or entertainment purposes is increasing speedily. Although some people say that using computers all time wouldn’t be harmful for them and it gives them more experience, overuse of computers has many bad effects such as physicals problems, affects family relations and academic study.
From the time computer games made their way into family homes, parents have wondered if violent video games may negatively affect children and teenagers. Today, parents still worry about the effects of violent computer games and of course it also remains a popular topic for the media. However, with a growing number of children and teens spending excessive time playing computer games, perhaps parents should be more worried about teenagers addicted to computer games than the effects of violent video games.
Teenage computer game addiction is obviously a relatively new problem faced by families. Teenagers seem to have far more interests in playing in a virtual world than living in the real world. As such, parents may lack accurate and/or helpful information on the signs of computer game addiction, the risk factors for video game addiction, and strategies for helping teenagers addicted to computer games after the problem develops.
There are many things that causes addiction to computer games, one reason being, is that most students just need something to occupy their time and these games do that for countless hours. Some students use computer gaming to escape their reality which can include school, work and possibly personal problems. Computer games also represent students to challenges they can overcome so they can feel a sense of accomplishments in virtual world, mistakes can be undone and time can review itself with the push of a few buttons.
Another cause of computer addiction related to health is the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). This serious disease is a result of typing for long time. That means you are using your fingers tips for long periods. Another problem is eating irregularities such as skipping meals is one of the physical symptoms of overusing computer. Moreover, computer has changed the sleeping time of those who are addicted to it. It is very difficult for them to shut down the computer while their friends are online or their games are not finished yet. Sometimes they are online until 2 or 4 am and they have to wake up at 6 for school or work. In this situation, they will sleep only for 2 or 3 hours while the normal duration for sleeping is 8 hours at least.
Because of the causes stated above, the researchers decided to conduct a study about The Effects of Computer Games Addiction to the Health Status of College Students. The researchers wanted to find out whether the Computer Games Addiction can really affects the health of the College students.
The focus of this study is to determine the perceived effects of computer game addiction to the health status of college students. The independent variables are selected demographic data of high school students (age, gender, course, allowance per day, years of playing computer games, number of hours playing time per day and residence) and frequency of playing computer games which represents the cause in the study. The dependent variable is the health status which will be affected by the independent variable. This refers to the health condition of college students playing computer games.
Self-Care Theory of Dorothea Orem is chosen theory for the study. Self-care theory is a model, central to Dorothea Orem's concept of nursing, used to provide a conceptual framework for nursing care directed to self-care by the client to the greatest degree possible. The model requires an assessment of the client's capability for self-care and need for care. The need for care includes biophysical and psychosocial needs and the specific needs that are the result of the illness. (
Three systems exist within the professional nursing model: the compensatory system, in which the nurse provides total care; the partial compensatory system, in which the nurse and the patients share responsibilities for care; and the educative-development system, in which the patient has the primary responsibility for personal health, with the nurse acting as a consultant (Central, 2005; Orem, 2005).
Self-care is someone who takes responsibility and maintains their own health and others. This model was chosen for the proposed study which is The Effects of Computer Addiction to the and Health Status of High school students in UPHS-GMA in where self discipline is the most important tool in preventing addiction to avoid the harmful effects of it in the health of the chosen respondents. Self-care is necessary not in just in our own but also to others.
This study aims to determine the Effects of Computer Games Addiction to the Health Status of College Students in University of Perpetual Help – GMA.
Specifically the researcher seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the following:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Year level
1.4 Allowance per day
1.5 Years of playing computer games
1.6 Number of hours playing time per day
1.7 Residence
2. What are the perceived Effects of Computer Game Addiction to the Health Status of College Students in University of Perpetual Help – GMA?
3. Is there a significant difference between the perceived effects of computer game addiction on the health status of the college students of UPHS – GMA when grouped according to their demographic profile?
Ho: There is no significant difference between the perceived effects of computer game addiction on the health status of the college students of University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA -GMA Campus when grouped according to their demographic profile.
1. Health Status can be changed.
2. An individual’s health is affected by a variety of factors, not just lifestyle. Other factors include heredity, environment and the health care system.
3. Self care and dependent care are behaviours learned within a socio-cultural context.
The study is conducted to determine the perceived effects of computer games addiction to the health status of college students. Although the study is beneficial to the researchers, the research is executed within a limited time period and that might make for a smaller sample size compared to the entirety of computer users and computer addicts. Furthermore, the respondents will only come from a specific geographical location in the country and the findings extracted from this research might only apply to this specific geographic location. Hence, it can affect the credibility of the research as a generally applicable concept.
The research is united to gathering information with the use of questionnaires. The respondents will be those who are playing computer games limited to LAN and On-line gaming, specifically, first year college students, who are currently studying at University of Perpetual Help System – GMA Campus. Data gathering will be conducted on ___.
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Our study entitled “Perceived effects of computer game addiction to the health status of first year college students in UPHS-GMA” will briefly explain its significance to the following:
To the respondents, which are the college students in UPHS-GMA, will be the main focus of our study. We all know that excessive use of computer games will affect the whole system of an individual. This study that we have conducted will be their guide and will provide them information about the said addiction. There’s nothing wrong in playing computer games but the word “excessive” should be given enough attention.
To the parents, this study is also significant to them because their supervision is most important to prevent computer game addiction. This study will give them information about the bad effects when computer game addiction to the health of an individual.
To the school administrators, as a source of knowledge and information among the students this will benefit them so that they can be aware about the said effects. Still, early prevention is most important to avoid addiction.
To the computer shop owners, they should also be aware that they can be the cause of addiction. The school administrators and the computer shop owners should collaborate so that they could set up limitations to those students who play virtual or online games during class hours. The computer shop owners should be responsible on remaining the wellness of their customers, which are our respondents.
To the researchers, our study can be their source of information for their own study. This can give them additional knowledge and also they can be aware that playing computer games can be harmful once not controlled.
Addiction Is a compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance. In the study it refers to the behaviour or habits of 1st year college students towards playing computer games.
College Is the one providing higher education or specialized professional or vocational training. In the study it refers to the level of learning of the respondents of the study.
Computer Is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. In the study it refers to a device that are used for entertainment and games used by high school students.
Computer games Is any of various games, recorded on cassette or disc for use in a home computer, that are played by manipulating a mouse, joystick, or the keys on the keyboard of a computer in response to the graphics on the screen. In the study it refers to the executable files downloaded or installed in the computer that are played and can be addicting to high school students.
Health Is the overall condition of an organism at a given time. In the study it refers to the physical, mental and emotional state of the body of a person
Health Status
The level of health of an individual person, a group, or a population as assessed by that individual or by objective measures. In the study it refers to the physical, emotional and psychological function of an individual.
Perceive Is to attain awareness or understanding of. In the study it refers to the knowledge or point of view of the respondents on the effect of computer game addiction to the health status of college students.
Students Is the one who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college, or university. In the study this refers to a person who is in 1st year college studying in University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA, GMA Campus who are 18 years of age and above.
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