* Background of the study The profession of the firm has required competence, intelligence, and reliability since its inception; they wanted an accurate and reliable account of their clients’ financial statement, before they provide demand of their clients. * Company background * History of the company
First Integrated Repriorment Management and Consultancy located at 1657 Laguna St. Sta. Cruz, Manila was established on the month of June 2009. It was recognized by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on the 3rd day of August 2009 under the name of Ms. Princess Valerie See Sy as a Single Proprietor.
It was headed by the President and Four Top Management and supported by their Department heads. * Nature of Business
Business may be understood as the organize efforts of enterprise to supply consumers with goods and services for a profit; they treat their customers right, so they will be able to experience meaningful way. They respect the clients, it creates the opportunity for them to resolve the problem or issue and make them comfortable. They provide excellent service and enthusiastically satisfaction to their clients. * Organizational structure
PRESIDENT Provide leadership to position the company at the forefront of the industry. Develop a strategic plan to advance the company’s mission and objectives and to promote revenue, profitability, and growth as an organization. It oversees company operations to ensure the production efficiency, quality, service, and cost-effective management of resources. FIRM MANAGER Overall responsible for the Firm office, employees, and in monitoring all the Income and Expenses of the store under the firm. He is also responsible for leading or coordinating the strategic planning functions of the company. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGERS Responsible for managing the employees, supervises the activities of one or more functional areas within Human Resources Department, and provides