A. Background of the Study Teenage years can be difficult for many families. Young people may develop ideas, values and beliefs that are different to those of their parents. This is part of the normal process of moving towards independence. Parents may struggle with how much independence they should allow their children at different ages and in different circumstances. The family communication plays an essential role in molding and improving each family member. It is a bond that connects them together. Family communication is important because families who can communicate find it a lot easier to discuss issues, problems, and even crises when they occur. Listening and becoming a better listener is important because families need to understand each other and be compassionate with one another.
Risk behavior is a behavior that puts you at risk for a bad consequence. Moreover, risk behaviors are those that potentially expose people to harm, or significant risk of harm which will prevent them reaching their potential. Some risky behavior is normal and part of growing up. Three common risk behaviors that parents worry about among their teens include sexual activity, delinquency, and drug abuse. Afterwards, participating in these behaviors can lead to a number of poor outcomes. Unfortunately, the media have glamorized each of these behaviors so that they are now considered normal during adolescence. The good news is that parents can counteract the negative messages from the media in these areas.
There are also factors which lead to teens getting involved in those kinds of acts. One is family problem which makes them think negatively about the present life. One way of solving this matter is to know the family communication between members of the family.
B. Statement of the Problem
The study aims to know the impact of family communication on risk behaviors among Adamson University students.
Specifically, it further seeks to answer